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Analysis of @tercalivre FOLLOWERS

Analysis of @tercalivre FOLLOWERS

The top three countries where tercalivre's Twitter followers are from include Brasil(87%)EUA(7%)and Portugal(0%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where tercalivre's Twitter followers come from are São Paulo, Brazil(20%), Somewhere, Brazil(11%) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(11%). Finally the 3 cities where tercalivre's Twitter followers are the most from are São Paulo, Brazil(20%), Somewhere, Brazil(11%) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(11%)

About @tercalivre (Terça Livre):
Jornalismo sem dinheiro da SECOM. Qual outro jornal pode falar o mesmo? Assine o Terça Livre no link abaixo:

@tercalivre said:
Meus seguidores são de Brasil(95%),EUA(2%),Portugal(0%)!tercalivre
Analysis of @tercalivre FOLLOWERS

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