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6,0M |
RT @hmtreasury: We’ve just published an update on #Greece with advice for UK citizens & businesses gov.uk/government/new…
4,9M |
Foreign Office updates travel advice for #Greece urging tourists to take enough money to cover expenses and emergencies for entire stay
4,6M |
RT @jsadinolfi: Let's hope that once we know the answer, we'll know what this question means #Greece marketwatch.com/story/greek-re…
4,5M |
Why #Greece should vote no @JosephEStiglitz wef.ch/1C1Eh0V #Greferendum #Grexit #Eurozone pic.x.com/AYOk1QkjQr
4,1M |
RT @pfroissart: Des milliers de personnes devant le Parlement d'Athènes pour dire NON ("OXI") à plus d'austérité #AFP #Greece http://t.co/v…
3,7M |
RT @CBCAlerts: Update @CBCNews: Cash crunch in #Greece. Banks shut, ATM withdrawals limited as #Grexit looms. cbc.ca/1.3131483 http:/…
3,2M |
URGENT: #Greece won’t pay €1.6bn #IMF loan due on Tuesday - official on.rt.com/iptpv4 pic.x.com/SDZ4NnteCA
1,9M |
RT @northaura: Anti-austerity, pro-NO demo at #Syntagma now. #GreeceCrisis now #Greferendum
#Greece #vouli #dimopsifisma http://t.co/gWY3F…
Oops! RT @ronanburtenshaw: #Greece's Finance Minister signs off on a 50% reduction in debt for Germany in 1954. pic.x.com/Cfn7Ssn0pl
Anti-austerity, pro-NO demo at #Syntagma now. #GreeceCrisis now #Greferendum
#Greece #vouli #dimopsifisma pic.x.com/gWY3FmWzuM
URGENT: #Greece won’t pay €1.6bn #IMF loan due on Tuesday - official on.rt.com/iptpv4 pic.x.com/SDZ4NnteCA
On #Greece: every government has the right to hold a referendum. However, NO vote will not will not result in stronger negotiating position.
More than 20.000 people now at #Syntagma demo #Greferendum #OXI #Greece (pics @angelikkour @EFSYNTAKTON) pic.x.com/1xywutBhKl
Foreign Office updates travel advice for #Greece urging tourists to take enough money to cover expenses and emergencies for entire stay
"Greeks should pay. Troika refuses #Greece's gov proposal to tax the rich". Charlie Hebbdo. #GreeceCrisis pic.x.com/KgsxtSPBbJ