World Cup 2014: Germany vs. Argentina

It’s world cup time and Twitter is ablaze with FIFA talk. Let’s look a little deeper into the Twitter followers of some of the teams.

1. The Twitter Handles:

Argentina = @Argentina 

Germany = @DFB_Team


2. Number of Followers:

Argentina: 648,000

Germany: 826,000


3. Number of countries represented by the followers:

Argentina: 179

Germany: 213


3. Top Countries OUTSIDE of Argentina and Germany represented by followers:

Germany & Argentina Fans Outside the Home Countries

See the full Argentina Team interactive Twitter follower map here

See the full Germany Team interactive Twitter follower map here


3. Top Cities OUTSIDE of Argentina and Germany represented by followers:

2 Germany & Argentina Fans Outside the Home Countries Top Cities


See the full Argentina Team interactive Twitter follower map here

See the full Germany Team interactive Twitter follower map here


4. Most Influential Followers:

@Argentina’s follower with the most followers: Ricardo Montaner – @montanertwiter

@DFB_Team’s follower with the most followers: Mesut Özil – @MesutOzil1088


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