Mastodon Analytics Tools & More.
Fedica is building analytics, publishing, listening, and analysis tools for Mastodon.

Publishing for Mastodon

Save time, automate, and schedule Mastodon posts with unprecedented publishing capabilities to break barriers and stand out in your community across platforms.


Mastodon Content Calendar

Revamp your multi-platform strategy with Pipelines, organizing, and innovating across social networks
Streamline your content creation process by automating posts and building a cohesive community through a single content calendar
Take full control of your content strategy, from auto-pilot scheduling to precise timing
Effortlessly publish multiple media types, including images, videos, and toots, in bulk to your drafts, pipeline, or calendar with various schedules


Mastodon Content Pipeline Streams

Conduct content testing to discover what different audiences around the world want
Boost audience engagement by organizing and separating diverse topics and content formats
Increase efficiency by automating and scheduling content across the Fediverse
Obtain valuable insights by categorizing various post types for improved measurement and analysis


Intelligent Publisher for Mastodon

Stand out from the crowd by utilizing advanced scheduling features that allow you to post Mastodon threads to multiple platforms, such as X (Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn, simultaneously
Increase engagement by scheduling polls and tagged media to Mastodon and X (Twitter) at the same time
Streamline your content strategy by building a unified community across multiple platforms with one publishing tool
Take full control of your content strategy with improved organization, multi-platform posting, and precise scheduling capabilities

Advanced Mastodon Analytics Tools

AI-powered analytics that saves time and resources with advanced content segmentation, strategic location, and filtering by topics and metrics. These Mastodon analytics are all-inclusive, providing extensive demographic reporting that can be filtered for precise insight.


Mastodon Engagement Dashboard

Transform your business into a recognizable brand that resonates with your customers by understanding the people behind your interactions
Develop your business with intentionality by categorizing your metrics to know how people respond to diverse concepts and which content elicits which reaction
Create a durable foundation of leverage by utilizing your content as a platform to test new product and content concepts
Maximize your interactions by analyzing various results and filtering your engagements to uncover which posts yield specific outcomes

Mastodon Community Analysis & Building

Create a cohesive community across multiple social media platforms and use AI to gain insights into your audience, identify opportunities for brand building, and create strategic content.


Mastodon Follower Analysis

Gain comprehensive knowledge about your audience to deliver effective and impactful targeted messaging. Utilize demographics, popular keywords, trending topics by location, top follower convos, and more
Craft messaging that resonates by understanding what type of content your audience enjoys and which keywords generate the most engagement from specific individuals
Know their demographics, see them on an interactive map and measure engagement to understand everything about your Mastodon audience.


Mastodon Followers Map

Gain global insights into your impact by analyzing conversations and creating highly targeted content based on trending topics in different cities with the most followers
Plan successful live events and develop better strategies for specific regions while building authentic relationships by analyzing and engaging with people from different parts of the world
Measure your success in different regions and plan your global impact by analyzing where conversations and your influence are spreading
Boost engagement and accelerate growth with AI that targets the most relevant topics to the right people in the appropriate context, setting you apart from others


Mastodon Demographics

Get valuable insights and improve your ROI by utilizing audience demographics to inform your content and engagement strategies
This allows you to target your audience more effectively and identify those who are truly interested in your content


Mastodon Follower Segmentation

Categorize your connections and identify new content and product offerings tailored to distinct personas based on results from Follower Segmentation
Optimize your return on investment and harness your growth potential by dividing your community into smaller groups to experiment with content or campaigns for specific audience groups
Plan thriving live events by layering filters to find the ideal prospects, such as active industry professionals with a certain number of followers from your area who are discussing specific topics
Reach any goals with targeted advertising and influencer promotions by partnering with communities that match your ideal customer's demographics and interests


Who Followed & Unfollowed for Mastodon

You likely lost followers due to suspended or deactivated accounts.
Get email briefs that provide timely updates on changes to your account daily, weekly, or monthly to effortlessly stay informed about your growth.
Don't miss out on extraordinary results with Mastodon analytics tools & more.
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