Social media analysis that builds relationships, brand associations, and impactful messaging.
Follower Analysis

Analyze Your followers

Content that stands out, catches attention and resonates with people comes from deep audience insights like demographics, different personas, trending topics and what brands and influencers they follow:

Unlock exclusive demographics to know your audience in details
Go beyond numbers and know who are the kinds of people attracted to which kinds of content you post by segmenting your followers to go deeper into personas within your community
See trending topics and most used keywords from your community’s cities with the most followers
Know which brands your community follows most to get an idea of the kind of companies they support and relate to.

Monitor your followers

Growth is never linear so have every insight you need to take action and make consistent gains with ease. Here’s everything about your followers that let you stay on top of your followers and people you follow.

See your following on an interactive map
Check your daily growth stats, who’s following and unfollowing
Suggestions of accounts to follow
Daily geographic stats: Best and least performing cities and countries
Follower demographics: Gender, occupation, age, language
Growth and Decline: know who and when people follow or unfollow you
Understand all growth changes, adjust your messages for better engagement, and measure your tweet reach and keywords

Identify Influential followers

Who are the influencers within your community? You’ll know who to engage with who already has an impact over your community or expand outward by finding influencers with followers matching your ideal prospects.

Want predictable results before you engage with people or conversations? Analyze their accounts easily to get a complete picture of their audience’s demographics, if you have common followers, what they post about, their reach, and more so you know the impact of every campaign and collaboration will be ahead of time.

Don’t miss out on expected results from planned collaborations or targeted engagement:

Who's the most engaged with you
Which people have a large influence on your followers
What topics are the top followers in your audience talking about
Who should you engage with to reach ideal followers outside your community

Fedica provides you with timely email briefs, allowing you to track changes to your account on daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Support for analysis tools vary by platform. Engagement, mapping and demographic data is available to Fedica premium plans members for Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram, & X (Twitter).

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