Twitter (now X) Follower Drill-Down by Location

Fedica empowers you to drill down by country, state, and city to see and engage with your followers in the selected region. It can be useful to isolate and assess the followers a specific location if you are wishing to learn more about them or engage with them.

To drill down to your followers by location, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Followers Map – the link is on the left hand bar navigation or click on the red “View Interactive Map” button on the dashboard map.
  1. Click on the red “Analyze by” button on top of the map and select country, state, or city.
  2. The interactive map has tabs with the percentage of followers in the different locations. Click on the tab of the location you are interested in. This will display the approximate number of followers and percent of followers from this region*.
  3. Premium users will also see a link that says “Who Are They?” – Click for a list of 100 followers. There will be an option to click on each to look over the profile, tweet to them, or follow**. The full list of followers can be exported to a CVS file.

How to see your Twitter Followers by location

* The number is approximate because not all of your followers will have disclosed their location.

**Not possible to engage with followers from a specific location en masse

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