How to Generate Leads from your Twitter (now X) Followers

X (formerly Twitter) has proven to be an incredible tool for lead generation. And you’re probably wondering how you can leverage it to generate new leads for your business.

X has allowed people to share content at a very rapid rate which is exactly why it’s the ideal channel to provide any business with relevant industry insight which will allow you to build your brand and promote your products and services.

With X’s hundreds of millions and growing monthly active users, there are plenty of opportunities to find leads that you can engage with and convert into customers.

It starts with growing your community with relevant followers for your business based on specified criteria such as geography, interests, demographics, etc. And to gain more followers, you first need to follow users you feel would most be interested in what you have to say and offer. And once you’ve engaged with them through mentions, and reposts, you will get their attention.

To know who to follow, start by defining your criteria. Search for accounts based on their profile descriptions, what they post about, and even their location (say local or global). Tools like Fedica can take your criteria and through their intelligent algorithm, present you with a lot of accounts that fit your specifications of the ideal prospect.

To generate leads, you need to find X users who would be most interested in what you have to say. And to identify them, list all the keywords and hashtags that are related to your business name and product name. You’ll want to add your competitors and their products to that list because their prospects are yours too.

Decide who you feel is the right fit and follow those who would be most interested in your brand offerings. Get their attention by reposting their content and don’t forget to mention them.

Continue to reach out to them regularly. The last thing you want is for them to unfollow you which may happen if you’re not consistent with your content. Another way you could potentially lose the leads that you worked so hard to get is if you start sending generic messages to all your followers that don’t apply to them.

When it comes to generating leads, it all starts with identifying who they are. To know your target audience, you need insight on who is talking about all things related to your industry such as niche influencers and competitors. Fedica can give you an in-depth analysis and help you build and cultivate your follower base to successfully convert those leads into paying customers.