How to Schedule X (once Twitter) Polls with Hootsuite

You can schedule polls in Hootsuite!
All you need to do is get Fedica’s free app in Hootsuite!

We previously wrote about scheduling X threads with Hootsuite, but sadly Hootsuite doesn’t support scheduling polls natively either (as of the time of this post).

But that doesn’t mean you can’t schedule polls and threads using Hootsuite!

Here’s How to Schedule Polls in Hootsuite:

1. Install the Fedica Hootsuite app

From the dashboard, click “streams” (or go to

Then add a new stream by clicking “Add stream.”

Click “Apps,” then “Go to Hootsuite Apps.”

Search for “Fedica.”

Just click the “Install” button.

2. Add the Fedica dashboard to your streams

Next, log in to Twitter through the customizable Fedica streams by clicking “Sign in with X (formerly Twitter).”

3. View your Posts Calendar

Access your Posts Calendar through your streams with the vertical “” menu button.

Optional: Change the view options for a simpler streams layout by changing “View as:” to “Comfortable

4. Compose your first post in the Fedica post composer

Add your message and click the bottom left Poll button “?” to add answers to your poll.

5. Schedule the X poll in your calendar

Schedule your poll by adding it to a content Pipeline, or customizing its schedule with PowerSchedule.

Once scheduled, Fedica will post the thread automatically at the right time for your audience!

Please note that the polls will not show up in the regular Hootsuite planner, you will need to view them or edit them using Fedica’s Posts Calendar in your Streams.