Twitter Inactive Followers (X): Find and Remove Them Easily

There are two ways to find and remove inactive Twitter followers on X: (1) Filtering your followers in Fedica for last activity, and (2) tracking inactive accounts you follow and who don’t follow you back.

Spotting inactive followers only scratches the surface of what you can do to protect your account!

How Do You Find and Identify Inactive Twitter Followers You Follow?

Here’s how to Find and Unfollow inactive accounts:

Just navigate to Accounts You Follow in Fedica for the complete list of people you follow.

Toggle “ON” the Inactive Accounts with either “not posted 2 months” or “not posted in 6 months”

You can also add more filters to this list using Fedica. You may filter by keywords in their profile or follower count, avoid or include people in specified lists, and make a whitelist of accounts you never want to unfollow by accident. With Fedica, you can be sure that you’ll never endanger a meaningful relationship by not knowing who is following you back.

How Do You Find and Identify Inactive Twitter Accounts Following You?

Instead of Accounts You Follow like above, this is done when you filter and Sort Your Followers in Follower Segmentation.

Apply the following Filter:

  1. Last Active
  2. Enter the date range Last Activity Before [Date] to see inactive followers who haven’t posted since that date.
  3. Choose how inactive they should be. Typically people look for whose inactive since 6 months ago, and some choose even up to 2 months ago. Its up to you!

When you sort your followers, by who is inactive, its easy to look through the list and remove those who are really inactive simply by clicking the unfollow button.

Mass Unfollow Twitter Tool for X

You should set your daily unfollow limits based on X’s 400 follow daily technical limit, so even though we have some safety guards in our service that protects you, its important to try and not act suspiciously by mass unfollowing a bunch of people at once. Unfollow some people every once and a while instead.

Although some services say they provide this feature for free, but many were forced to close their doors or discontinue providing follower management in 2023 due to an increase in API prices.

With other features like the ability to find fake followers and an X unfollowers tool built into your subscription, Fedica is likely the best suite of tools available for tracking inactive followers on X.

Does Twitter Remove Inactive Accounts?

Twitter’s handling of inactive accounts in 2024 is a bit murky. Here’s what we know:

In the past, Twitter has implemented a procedure where accounts that have not been accessed for approximately six months are deactivated. This was done in an effort to promote active platform use and free up usernames.

Elon Musk, has discussed deleting dormant accounts to free up valuable identities.

There is, though, no proof that a huge deletion will actually take place in 2024. Twitter has also previously announced plans to remove certain accounts, but then changed their minds in response to public backlash, especially over the memorialization of deceased users’ accounts.

If you’re concerned about an account, it’s best to log in periodically to keep it active.

Reasons to Unfollow Your Twitter Inactive Followers

Unrelated Content
Inactive accounts don’t, by definition, publish fresh content. It’s unlikely that their feeds will provide content you find fascinating or current trends.

Confused feed
Your Twitter stream doesn’t get updated with new content from inactive accounts. You’ll see more tweets from relevant, active users if you unfollow them.

Pay Attention to Active Users
You can make more room in your feed by unfollowing inactive accounts and following more relevant and active individuals or brands that share your interests. By doing this, you can make your Twitter experience more interesting.

Ratio of Followers/Following
A large number of inactive followers may give the impression that your follower-to-following ratio is out of proportion. A skewed ratio might not accurately represent this ratio, which is a criterion that certain brands or influencers look at.

What Is the Issue With Inactive Twitter Followers?

A few issues for Twitter and its users might arise from inactive accounts:

Skewed Metrics
A large number of inactive followers may distort the perceived reach of a person or campaign. This can deceive advertising and makes it more difficult to measure true involvement.

Username Pool Stagnation
The amount of memorable handles that are available to new users is reduced by inactive accounts that hang onto usernames they never use.

Loss of Historical Record
Occasionally, tweets or exchanges with historical significance may be stored on dormant accounts. A portion of internet history might be lost if they were completely deleted.

Emotional Impact
People who utilize the accounts of departed users as a source of nostalgia may find it distressing when their accounts are deleted.

Unfollow People Who Don’t Follow You Back

Here’s how to Unfollow Users Who Unfollowed Your Account:

To view the list of users who have not followed you back, navigate to Unfollows in Fedica.

After that, you can perform the following:

  • View the follows to unfollows ratio graph
  • Hide accounts you don’t follow
  • Easily unfollow users.

Keep in mind that if you click on History on Fedica, you can always see who has followed and unfollowed you in the past as well as when you did the same.

Unfollow Accounts With a Low Follower Ratio:

You can also view their follower to follow ratio on the list of accounts under the unfollows page in Fedica. In this manner, it is simple to see who follows and receives a follow-back simply by glancing at a brief excerpt of their profile.

X (Twitter) Follower Tracker

The best Twitter follower tracker has an interactive map of your followers worldwide, and more stats to get the entire picture:

Follower Map

You can track your followers around the world and even down to what city they are living in.

Daily Stats

Track your new followers, who unfollowed you, and your posts.

You will even get suggested accounts to follow with Fedica who are great picks compared to finding low quality followers

Growth and Decline

This is another kind of map to track your followers visually across the globe, but it shows which countries, states, and cities, you got the most follows from and unfollows from and you can see that change daily.

Total Accounts you follow

See the inactive accounts you follow. To see the list of inactive twitter followers following you, filter them in your audience by Filtering your followers with Follower Segmentation. (which is available for X (Twitter) and Mastodon.

Monitor Twitter Followers

Monitor your Twitter followers by tracking follower stats, reach distribution, account ages, follower posts, follower activity, languages, countries, gender, occupation, followers by age, and time zone:

Reach Distribution

Follower Posts




Occupation (Profession)

Followers By Age

Time Zone

Ready for Everything you Need to Track Your Twitter Followers?