The Most Interesting Reactions To #GameofThrones Finale From Fans Around The World

Welcome to Fedica’s running #GameofThrones Twitter series, where we find the most interesting conversations around the world and bring it to you.

Season five has now come to an end – and what a complete emotional breakdown of a finale!

Without further ado, here’s our collection of the most interesting reaction to #GameofThrones last night:

To see more cities, use our live Hashtag Map #GameofThrones Season 5 finale Here or click on the Map.

*A Hashtag Map is a comprehensive look at where the conversation surrounding a certain topic is taking place; who’s talking about it; who’s retweeting it and who are the most influential people engaged in the conversation.

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We start our journey in the USA – the home of the series writers, the land of the fans

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nice to see some fans have finally caught on. #noemotion
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#GameofThrones gives us all mixed feelings.
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At this point. We are all scared.

Let’s take a look at UK – the fan across the narrow sea and the home to GoT world!

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Who says tinfoil theory never changes?
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Three people jumped off, one of them didnt have a choice. :-O
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He’ll be back!

Bonus: Our award for best-emoji usage goes to: @Bill_Nye_tho_ :

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