See Twitter Account Analytics With Posts + Follower Stats

Looking for Twitter account analytics after X moved it to it’s platform? Here’s what’s new with Twitter / X analytics, what you can get and what you can’t with X and Fedica.

Wait… are you looking for X analytics for another account?

Let’s start with the basics:

How to See Your Twitter account analytics on X:

  1. Subscribe to X Premium (it’s not free anymore)
  2. Click “X Premium” on the left panel
  3. Select “Analytics” under “Quick Access”
  4. View your basic engagement stats
X analytics for Twitter account analytics in X

Sounds simple enough, right? But here’s the thing – those basic stats don’t tell you the whole story.

Twitter account analytics showing the dashboard from inside X

Sure, you can see how many likes and retweets you got, but do you really know who’s engaging with your content? Are you reaching the right audience? That’s where things get interesting.

Twitter account analytics showing the accounts behind the engagement
twitter account analytics showing demographics breakdown

Fedica’s Twitter Account Analytics with Follower Stats

Imagine being able to not just see your engagement numbers, but actually understand the people behind those stats.

That’s where Fedica shines.

With Fedica, you get a window into your audience’s world. Want to know how a specific topic performed?

Easy. Just filter your analytics by keyword, and boom – you’ve got a complete breakdown of not just how many people engaged, but who those people are and what’s the outcome of talking about that topic.

This is gold for agencies and social media managers trying to prove their worth.

Picture this: You’re in a meeting with a client or your boss, and instead of just saying, “This post got X number of likes,” you can say, “This campaign resonated particularly well with adult women in tech industries, and here’s a list of the top influencers who engaged with it. And a list of similar topics to keep this engagement going.”

That’s the kind of insight that turns heads and wins contracts.

Want to see how your content performs across different demographics? Done.

Curious about which topics generate the most engagement in specific regions? No problem.

You can even filter by sentiment to see what type of content sparks the most positive reactions.

And here’s the kicker – all of this data is actionable. You’re not just collecting information for the sake of it. You’re gathering insights that can immediately inform your content strategy, help you target your ads more effectively, and ultimately drive better results.

For agencies, this means you can provide your clients with unparalleled reporting and insights. For in-house teams, it means you can show your bosses exactly how your social media efforts are impacting the bottom line.

Exoprting twitter account analytics data

Twitter Account Analytics FAQ:

How to track someone’s Twitter followers?

Want to really understand someone’s follower base? Run an Analyze Twitter Account Report with Fedica. You’ll get a complete user list, top followers, demographics, top topics, and even the quality of their accounts. It’s like X-ray vision for Twitter accounts!

How to see Twitter growth?

Real growth isn’t just about numbers – it’s about reaching the right people. Fedica shows you premium metrics and the people behind the posts, including a list of top topics they liked. Use those insights to tailor your content and watch your growth skyrocket!

How can I see a list of someone’s followers on Twitter?

X doesn’t make this easy, but Fedica’s got your back. Use our Search Bios & Keywords tool to filter all of X by people who follow a specific account. You’ll get a complete list with sorting options to find exactly who you’re looking for.

Is Twitter Account Analytics still available?

Yep, it’s still kicking. You can find it under the Premium section in the left menu. It’s changed quite a bit over the years, though.

Did Twitter remove Analytics?

Not exactly. They just moved it inside X’s left menu instead of having it on a separate page. But it’s still missing some crucial data about the accounts behind your analytics – data that Fedica can reveal.

Is there a tool to track Twitter followers?

You bet! Fedica lets you track followers over time, spot unfollowers, see when you or someone followed each other, and even map your followers across the globe. It’s like a GPS for your Twitter network.

How to see exact Twitter followers?

X doesn’t let you see a complete list of every follower, but Fedica does. Use our Analyze an Account tool or check your follower analysis to get the full picture.

Does Twitter have follower Analytics?

X gives you some basics – impressions, engagements, profile visits, mentions, followers, top tweets. But it doesn’t show you the people behind those metrics. That’s where Fedica steps in to fill the gaps.

Twitter Account Analytics, Follower Tracking, and More

Fedica shows you the actual people behind the engagements. You can see a list of everyone who interacted with your posts, complete with their profiles.

Want to know where your audience is located? We’ve got interactive maps for that.

Curious about reach distribution or engager activity? We’ve got you covered.

The best part? All of this data works together. You’re not just collecting random stats – you’re building a comprehensive picture of your audience that you can actually use to improve your strategy.

If you’re serious about understanding your audience and growing your presence on the platform, you need more. You need to see the people behind the numbers, understand what makes them tick, and tailor your content to resonate with them.

That’s what Fedica is all about. We’re here to help you dive deeper, understand better, and connect more meaningfully with your audience. Because at the end of the day, social media isn’t just about follower counts and like totals – it’s about building real relationships with real people.

So, are you ready to have the data that pushes you forward? You might be surprised at what you discover about your audience – and yourself.