Cross Platform Analytics: X, Threads, TikTok + More!

Now your followers are scattered across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and emerging networks like Mastodon, Threads, and Pixelfed. Cross platform analytics can at least let you know what works with your community on different socials…

But having your analytics together with a cross-platform scheduler and content calendar? That’s where your growth will reach new heights.

Fedica just released TikTok Analytics, Threads Analytics and Pixelfed Analytics meaning that now you can track your growth across most major platforms, and schedule all your posts from one place too!

The Power of Cross Platform Analytics

Wouldn’t you like full control of your data, followers and growth?

That’s what Fedica gives you: a cross platform analytics dashboard that brings together data from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, TikTok, Threads, Pixelfed and more ensuring you can export all your Analytics data for X and others.

But why does this matter? Because when you can see the big picture, you can paint a masterpiece.

Spot Trends, Seize Opportunities

With all your data in one place, patterns emerge that you might miss when looking at platforms in isolation. Maybe your witty one-liners are killing it on Twitter but falling flat on Facebook. Or perhaps your behind-the-scenes content is driving engagement on Instagram and TikTok but getting crickets on Threads. These insights allow you to tailor your content strategy for each platform while maintaining a cohesive brand voice.

Cross Platform Analytics

Save Time, Scale Impact

Time is your most precious resource. Instead of logging into multiple platforms, downloading separate reports, and trying to make sense of disparate data, you can access everything in one place. This efficiency doesn’t just save time—it allows you to spend more energy on what really matters: creating great content and engaging with your audience.

Cross Platform Analytics with network selector between accounts

Data-Driven Decision Making

Guesswork is out; informed decisions are in. With comprehensive analytics at your fingertips, you can back up your strategy with hard data. Which posts are driving the most engagement? What time of day does your audience interact most? Which hashtags are actually worth using? Now you’ll know, across all platforms.

Beyond Numbers: Actionable Cross Platform Analytics

But Fedica isn’t just about pretty graphs and numbers. It’s about turning those insights into action. Here’s how:

Cross Platform Analytics with filters for keywords
threads analytics in fedica showing posts sorted by impressions

Audience Mapping

Discover where your followers are located with interactive global maps for platforms like TikTok and Threads. This geographical insight can help you tailor content to specific regions or time zones, ensuring you’re reaching the right people at the right time.

threads analytics showing map of followers, followers plotted on a global map

Content Optimization

Identify your top-performing keywords, analyze engagement metrics, and sort your content to see what resonates most. Use this information to refine your content strategy and replicate success across platforms.

TikTok Analytics for Best Words to use

Demographic Deep Dives

Understand who your audience is on a deeper level. Age, gender, interests—these insights allow you to create content that truly speaks to your followers.

Accessibility Enhancements

With features like alt text support for Threads, you can ensure your content is inclusive and reaches a wider audience. It’s not just good practice—it’s good business.

The Cross-Platform Analytics Advantage: A Case Study

Let’s say you’re a fitness brand. Your analytics reveal that:

  • Your quick workout tips get the most shares on Twitter
  • Your transformation stories drive engagement on Instagram and Threads
  • Your longer form content about nutrition performs well on Facebook
  • Your behind-the-scenes gym footage is a hit on TikTok
  • Your community discussions thrive on Mastodon

Armed with these insights, you can create a strategy that plays to each platform’s strengths while maintaining a consistent brand message. You might:

  1. Create bite-sized workout tips for Twitter
  2. Showcase customer transformations on Instagram and Threads
  3. Develop in-depth nutrition guides for Facebook
  4. Film fun, energetic gym clips for TikTok
  5. Foster community discussions about fitness trends on Mastodon

The result? A cohesive strategy that maximizes engagement across all platforms, turning casual followers into a dedicated community.

Embracing the Future of Social Media

As the social media landscape evolves, with new platforms emerging and existing ones changing (hello, long post scheduling on X!), the ability to adapt quickly becomes crucial. Cross-platform analytics tools like Fedica don’t just help you keep up—they help you stay ahead.

By providing a unified view of your social media performance, facilitating data-driven decisions, and offering powerful scheduling tools, Fedica empowers you to build and nurture your community wherever they are, like Twitter analytics for a hashtag!

In a world where attention is the ultimate currency, understanding and optimizing your cross-platform performance isn’t just smart—it’s essential. It’s time to stop managing your social media presence and start orchestrating it. Your audience is out there, across multiple platforms, waiting to be engaged. With the right tools and insights, you can meet them where they are and give them content that resonates.

Ready to transform your social media strategy? Dive into the world of cross-platform analytics and watch your online community flourish. The future of social media management is here—and it’s unified, insightful, and incredibly powerful.