Instagram Free Post Scheduler + 23 Content Planner Ideas

Never guess with Instagram – free post scheduler in Fedica can automatically post your content at the best time to post by knowing when your followers are actually online!

Imagine colour coding your content with different schedules in your calendar to see how your feed will play out over time and leaving your posting schedules up to AI!

Below is a list of content ideas you can use with Fedica’s free Instagram post scheduler.

How do you plan 30 days of Instagram content?

Planning a month’s worth of Instagram content is easy with Fedica’s powerful tools.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to create a varied and never-boring content calendar:

Brainstorm ideas

Use Fedica’s content Pipeline queues to organize your ideas into categories. Here are some ideas:

  • Informative posts
    Share news related to your niche, create tutorials, or explain complex topics.
  • Visual questions
    Post images with questions or content that sparks curiosity.
  • Weekly lessons
    Offer valuable tips or insights from your field.
  • Quote posts
    Share inspirational or thought-provoking quotes made simply with Canva.
  • Behind-the-scenes content
    Give glimpses of your daily life or work processes.
  • User-generated content
    Showcase content created by your followers.
  • Polls and surveys
    Use Instagram’s interactive features to engage your audience.
  • Challenges and contests
    Organize niche-related competitions.
  • Product highlights
    Showcase your offerings and their benefits.
  • Reviews and recommendations
    Share your thoughts on relevant products or services.
  • Event announcements
    Promote upcoming webinars or live streams.
  • Personal stories
    Share anecdotes that align with your brand.
  • Infographics
    Create visually appealing data presentations.
  • Memes and humor
    If appropriate for your audience, inject some fun.
  • Guest takeovers
    Collaborate with others in your industry.
  • Trend commentary
    Offer your perspective on industry trends.
  • FAQ and Q&A sessions
    Address common questions from your audience.
  • Throwback Thursday posts
    Share memorable moments from the past.
  • Interactive stories
    Create engaging, participatory content.
  • Seasonal content
    Align your posts with holidays or special occasions.
  • Fan appreciation
    Show gratitude to your followers.
  • Milestone celebrations
    Share your achievements and progress.
  • “Day in the life” content
    Take your audience through your typical day.

Create content pipelines

Set up color-coded queues in Fedica for different content categories with separate schedules. For example:

  • Blue for educational content, 3x / week
  • Green for user-generated content, 1x / week
  • Yellow for promotional posts, 2x / week
  • Pink to schedule Instagram Reels, 4x / week
  • Orange for behind-the-scenes glimpses, 2x / week

How to Plan Your Instagram Content with Pipeline Queues:

  1. Map out key dates
    Use Fedica’s calendar to mark important events, holidays, or promotions.
  2. Fill in the gaps
    Distribute your content ideas across the month using Fedica’s content calendar. Aim for 1-2 posts per content type to ensure variety.
  3. Create and schedule posts
    Use Fedica’s content creation tools to craft your posts. Take advantage of Instagram-specific features like carousel posts, Reels, or IGTV for added engagement.
  4. Review and adjust
    Utilize Fedica’s visual calendar to review your month at a glance. Ensure a good balance of content types and adjust as necessary.
  5. Monitor and engage
    As your scheduled content goes live, use Fedica’s Instagram analytics dashboard to track performance. Filter results by content type to understand what resonates best with your audience.
  6. Refine your strategy
    Based on the insights from Fedica’s analytics, refine your content mix for the following month. Perhaps your behind-the-scenes content performs exceptionally well – consider increasing its frequency in your next plan.

Now that’s a month of engaging Instagram content in just over an hour’s worth of planning. The color-coded pipelines not only keep your content organized but also allow you to measure the performance of each content type separately.

Getting Started with Fedica

  1. Sign up for your free Fedica account
  2. Connect your a social account, like Instagram, and connect a facebook page to Instagram
  3. Check out the the content calendar
  4. Start planning your content strategy using color-coded pipelines
  5. Create and schedule Instagram posts for free!
  6. Also, cross-post between Instagram and Threads and other platforms, like the decentralized Instagram alternative, Pixelfed or other networks.

Customizable, Optimized Instagram Content Planner

At the heart of Fedica’s charm is its visually intuitive content calendar. This isn’t just any scheduler – it’s a comprehensive planning tool that allows you to map out your Instagram strategy weeks or even months in advance, mixed with your other social networks. Here’s why Fedica’s calendar is a game-changer:

  1. Visual Organization
    Fedica’s calendar provides a bird’s-eye view of your content strategy. At a glance, you can see your posting schedule, identify gaps, and ensure a balanced content mix.
  2. Color-Coded Content Pipelines
    One of the most powerful features is Fedica’s color-coded content pipelines. These allow you to create multiple queues, each with its own schedule. You might have a pipeline for product showcases, another for user-generated content, and a third for educational posts. This visual categorization makes it easy to maintain a diverse and engaging feed.
  3. Cross-Platform Planning
    While Fedica excels as an Instagram scheduler, its calendar isn’t limited to just one platform. Plan and visualize your content across multiple social networks, all in one place. This holistic view ensures your messaging is consistent yet tailored across different platforms.
  4. Flexible Scheduling
    Whether you prefer to schedule posts at specific times or use Fedica’s smart scheduling feature to hit optimal engagement windows, the calendar accommodates your needs. You can easily drag and drop posts to rearrange your schedule as needed.
  5. Best Times to Post Automatically
    Fedica’s algorithm targets your followers when they are online to pick the best time to post automatically. You never have to wonder what the best time to post to Instagram is any longer!

Is there any free Instagram planner?

Absolutely! Fedica offers a robust, free Instagram planner that goes above and beyond basic scheduling. With Fedica, you get:

  1. A visual content calendar
  2. Color-coded content pipelines
  3. Cross-platform posting capabilities
  4. Customizable post options for each platform

All these features come at no cost, making Fedica the ideal choice for beginners, small businesses, and established brands alike.

What is the best planner for Instagram?

While there are several tools available, Fedica stands out as one of the most time-saving planners for Instagram due to its unique features:

  1. Visual calendar
    Get a bird’s-eye view of your content strategy.
  2. Content pipelines
    Organize different content types with color-coded queues.
  3. Cross-platform functionality
    Plan and post to multiple social networks from one place.
  4. Customization options
    Tailor your content for each platform effortlessly.
  5. Reliable scheduling
    Unlike some other tools, Fedica ensures your posts go out as planned.
  6. Basic analytics
    Track your performance to refine your strategy.

Best of all, Fedica offers these premium features for free, making it accessible to all users.

Does Instagram have a content calendar?

Instagram itself doesn’t provide a comprehensive content calendar tool. While the platform offers some basic scheduling features through Meta Business Suite, it lacks the advanced planning and organization capabilities that Fedica provides.

Fedica’s content calendar offers:

  • A more visual and intuitive interface
  • The ability to plan content across multiple platforms
  • Color-coded organization options
  • Flexible scheduling and easy rearranging of posts
  • Integration with content creation and pipeline management tools

Additional Perks

While the content calendar is the star, Fedica doesn’t stop there. You’ll also enjoy:

  • Free cross-posting to other platforms
  • Customizable text for each social network
  • Basic analytics to track your performance
  • A reliable scheduling system that won’t let you down

Elevate Your Instagram Strategy

With Fedica’s free Instagram post scheduler and its exceptional content calendar, you’re not just posting – you’re strategizing. This tool empowers you to take control of your social media narrative, ensuring that every post serves a purpose and fits into your broader marketing goals.

Don’t let your Instagram content fall into disarray. Embrace the organization and foresight that Fedica’s content calendar provides. Start planning your Instagram success story today – your future self (and your followers) will thank you!