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Analysis of @VNholic FOLLOWERS

Analysis of @VNholic FOLLOWERS

The top three countries where VNholic's Twitter followers are from include South Korea(77%)Nigeria(7%)and Canada(7%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where VNholic's Twitter followers come from are Somewhere, South Korea(32%), Seoul, South Korea(24%) and Chungnam, South Korea(7%). Finally the 3 cities where VNholic's Twitter followers are the most from are Somewhere, South Korea(32%), Seoul, South Korea(24%) and Chungnam, South Korea(7%)

About @VNholic (VNholic / 🏳️‍🌈 Rr ☂️ Qs 💜🤍🖤💚 Apg 🏳️‍⚧️):
3rd-Gen main acc. / 🏳️‍🌈 Semi-platonic Recip-panromantic (Aro) Quoisexual Autochorissexual Sex-repulsed (Ace) AMAB Non-binary Apogender (Agender) Polymonoflux

@VNholic said:
Selon!VNholic Mes abonnés vivent en: Corée du Sud(77%),Nigeria(8%),Canada(8%) Q .... quoi ? Nigeria ...?
Analysis of @VNholic FOLLOWERS

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