The top three countries where Purindere's Twitter followers are from include USA(40%)Japan(17%)and Indonesia(5%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where Purindere's Twitter followers come from are Tokyo, Japan(8%), Somewhere, Japan(5%) and Colorado, USA(5%). Finally the 3 cities where Purindere's Twitter followers are the most from are Tokyo, Japan(8%), Somewhere, Japan(5%) and Colorado, USA(5%)
About @Purindere (☆「みつちゃん」☆):
@BlondieSenpai is the Oniichinchin | Semi-homo 13-year-old | Shitty RPer | Wannabe Youtaite | SHSL Box |I JUST HATE PEOPLE IN GENERAL | Personal: @ChildishRants
@Purindere said:
My followers are in USA(40%), Japan(17%)... Get your map too:!Purindere