The top three countries where Turvegal's Twitter followers are from include España(83%)Estados Unidos(2%)and Argentina(1%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where Turvegal's Twitter followers come from are Galicia, Spain(58%), Somewhere, Spain(8%) and Community of Madrid, Spain(5%). Finally the 3 cities where Turvegal's Twitter followers are the most from are Galicia, Spain(58%), Somewhere, Spain(8%) and Community of Madrid, Spain(5%)
About @Turvegal (Turvegal):
Foro de Amantes da terra Galega, para compartir Imaxes, Experiencias, Natureza, Historia, Cultura, Tradicións, etc, Siguenos nas redes e Unete a nos!!!
@Turvegal said:
Mis seguidores viven en España(84%),Estados Unidos(2%),Argentina(2%) y más!Turvegal