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Analysis of @fca_rca FOLLOWERS

Analysis of @fca_rca FOLLOWERS

The top three countries where fca_rca's Twitter followers are from include Central African Republic(63%)France(14%)and Cameroon(4%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where fca_rca's Twitter followers come from are Somewhere, Central African Republic(34%), Bangui, Central African Republic(28%) and Île de France, France(4%). Finally the 3 cities where fca_rca's Twitter followers are the most from are Somewhere, Central African Republic(34%), Bangui, Central African Republic(28%) and Île de France, France(4%)

About @fca_rca (fca_rca):
Bureau pays FCA RCA @fca_global, @Ulkomaanapu #fca_rca, #right2peace #right2qualityeducation #right2livelihood #FinnChurchAid #Centrafrique, #CARcrisis @TKhonde

@fca_rca said:
Selon!fca_rca Mes abonnés vivent en: République centrafricaine(63%),France(14%),Cameroun(4%)
Analysis of @fca_rca FOLLOWERS

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