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Analysis of @klmtr_ FOLLOWERS

Analysis of @klmtr_ FOLLOWERS

The top three countries where klmtr_'s Twitter followers are from include Indonesia(68%)Switzerland(6%)and South Korea(6%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where klmtr_'s Twitter followers come from are Somewhere, Indonesia(34%), Yogyakarta, Indonesia(12%) and Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia(6%). Finally the 3 cities where klmtr_'s Twitter followers are the most from are Somewhere, Indonesia(34%), Yogyakarta, Indonesia(12%) and Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia(6%)

About @klmtr_ (Klm~ kelly_kelym):
2nd acc of kelly_kelym (kelly_kelym was locked) 🇮🇩 FAN ACC OF CNBLUE AND SF9 💖

@klmtr_ said:
My followers are in Indonesia(68%), Switzerland(6%) Get your free map!klmtr_
Analysis of @klmtr_ FOLLOWERS

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