The top three countries where saken33's Twitter followers are from include Saudi Arabia(87%)USA(5%)and Qatar(5%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where saken33's Twitter followers come from are Riyadh, Saudi Arabia(62%), Somewhere, Saudi Arabia(11%) and Macca, Saudi Arabia(11%). Finally the 3 cities where saken33's Twitter followers are the most from are Riyadh, Saudi Arabia(62%), Somewhere, Saudi Arabia(11%) and Macca, Saudi Arabia(11%)
About @saken33 (both):
Both more bottom 163. 72. 32 From Riyadh
بوث / بتوم اكثر ١٦٣. ٧٢. ٣٢. من الرياض
@saken33 said:
حسب!saken33 حوالي100% من متابعيني يعيشون في السعوديه وRiyadh(12%),Riyadh(12%)